Geslacht - gender : merrie - mare
Geboren - born : 05-04-2021
Kleur - colour : zwart - black
Stokmaat - height : 103 cm
Vader - father
Holland van Ruimzicht
Moeder - mother
Gabriëlla van de Achterdijk Kroon
Complete afstamming - Full pedigree
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Veulen-, enter- en twenterpremie - 2e premie
All youth premiums - 2nd premium
Nice black large size 3 years old with good pedigree. Sire is no one less than former national champion and top breeding stallion Holland van Ruimzicht (black; 99 cm). Dam is the chestnut crown mare Gabriëlla van de Achterdijk (chestnut; 102 cm). In her pedigree we see the black top stallions Friso van de Heuvelshof en Gresini van de Veldhoeve. Gabriëlla gave already 6 foals, 2 chestnut and 4 black and was in the auction last year. The full sister of Priscilla, Ronja, also received already her 3 youth premiums.